Plastic and Sex Change Surgery Info

Pictures of Transsexual Transgender sex change surgery before and after

400 Pictures of a Transsexual Male To Female Transition

Look what I found from the YouTube about transsexual transformation over the period of time from male to female. Please pause the video if you like to see the pictures closely because in the video, all the before and after photos flick very quickly.

 Source : YouTube
Watching the videos made by others led me to believe that I could have a successful transition, so I thought it'd be fair for me to post my transition for future transition to see.

The first two pictures are pre-HRT, then it moves to around 2 months in (March, 2011) when I finally started keeping track with photo booth (age 27). By the time I'm using makeup and legally change my name (Feb, 2012) I'm at one year of HRT.

Gender-change Operations principally winning

SAN DIEGO, California — Most people who undergo sex-change surgery SRS can have sexual intercourse, but the procedure often comes with complications, a new study shows.

According to news "Most patients are satisfied," study author Maria Helena Palma Sircili, MD, a urologist at the University of San Paulo in Brazil,

Dr. Sircili presented the study findings here at the American Urological Association 2013 Annual Scientific Meeting.

Surgeons are improving their results on gender change surgery operation as they gain experience with the standard procedure, she said. "It's becoming more common in Brazil because a law changed. Since 1997, it has been legal to perform such female to male, male to female or transsexual surgery in public hospitals."

Surgeons at the university have performed the procedure 70 times over a 13-year period. All patients had confirmed psychiatric diagnoses, underwent psychological therapy for at least 2 years, and had hormone replacement. The average age of those patients who have gone sex reassignment surgery were 35 years old.

Fifty male-to-female surgery patients underwent orchiectomy and penile inversion to create a neovagina in a 1-stage procedure. Twenty female-to-male surgery patients underwent panhysterectomy with colpectomy followed by metoidioplasty with urethroplasty in a 2- or 3-stage procedure.
Gender Change Surgery Male to Female
Gender Change Surgery Male to Female

The mean study follow-up was 6.5 years.

The male-to-female surgery gave the patients a "normal female appearance," Dr. Sircili reported. After the successful surgery of converting male to female sex change operation, The length of the new vagina was 8.8 cm.

However there were about 40% people who underwent surgery of male-to-female patients experienced complications. For example, 4 patients lost their neovagina (1 because of hematoma and 3 because of total vaginal prolapse with rectovaginal fistulas); 4 had partial vaginal prolapse corrected (1 with laparoscopy and 3 with suprapubic suspension); 1 had a prolapsed labia majora requiring removal of the glans; 1 had compartmental syndrome in the left leg that was treated with fasciotomy; 2 suffered urinary dysfunction that resolved on its own; 1 had hair in the labia minora and introitus; 6 had urethral meatal stenosis, which was treated with meatotomy; and 1 had urethral prolapse that was corrected with resection.

Due to this complications after the sex change surgery from male to female. The rate of reoperation declined from 45% in the first 20 patients to 30% in the second 20 patients.

Gender Change Surgery Female to Male
Gender Change Surgery Female to Male
The majority of the male-to-female patients (80%) reported having sexual intercourse; for most, this included orgasm. Three said they had no desire for a relationship. Four were still recovering from surgery, and 3 are scheduled for re-operation.

The mean number of procedures required by the female-to-male patients was 3. Of the 60% who have completed the process, 2 experienced urethral stenosis.

The mean length of the phalluses was about 5 cm. The refashioned clitoral tissue allowed these patients to achieve erections. The size of the phallus limited sexual penetration, but all the female-to-male gender change patients reported satisfaction with sexual intercourse.

"Have you abandoned this surgery?" asked an audience member after Dr. Sircili's presentation. He noted the small size of the phalluses constructed by the surgery. "It seems futile."

Dr. Sircili explained that the goal for the female-to-male patients was to escape the female bodies in which they felt trapped. "They really are not worried about their penis size," she said.

This research adds to a meager body of literature, said Sean Elliott, MD, director of reconstructive urology at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, who was asked by many journalists to comment on the study.

"In the United States, most people have given up doing these procedures," he said. "No one has reported their results."

This study received no outside funding. Dr. Sircili and Dr. Elliott have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
American Urological Association (AUA) 2013 Annual Scientific Meeting: Abstract 103. Presented May 4, 2013.


Well Blog Readers, this article which I found after rigorous research about how complicate the life after sex change surgery operation. It tells and exemplify there is less complications for those who have gone for male to female however the finding shows that not many patient have gone through this not reported to their surgeons despite of having problems. Some SRS patients reported and did re-operation. On the other hand those people who did sex change surgery from female to male have less complications. According to many news reports they are enjoying their sexual life, they can  have orgasm. Many people are happy to have sex change surgery operation because they can escape with reality of being hateful within themselves when people have male feelings within female body or feelings of female when they have male body or being transsexual / transgender body. Its a freedom, most of the sex change surgery seems successful and brought happiness. Those who are anticipating to go for sex change reassignment surgery or want to convert themselves F2M or M2F this is the green signal, don't be late, just be wise on time.